When Life Gives You Lemons: The Art of Pivoting and Transitioning

When Life Gives You Lemons: The Art of Pivoting and Transitioning

As a licensed therapist and small business owner, I recently found myself facing a familiar challenge: the need to pivot. What I saw as the initial vision for the brand just feels no longer fully aligned with my values or what I would consider as my evolving sense of purpose.

I know that you can probably relate as life often throws us curveballs, forcing us to adapt and transition. Whether it's a career change, a relationship shift, or a personal challenge, I believe the ability to pivot gracefully is crucial for both personal and professional growth. And I also believe our pivots don't always have to be graceful! Sometimes they just happen...in a really messy way. Hopefully this blog post can you to explore the key steps and mindsets that I think are necessary to navigate these transitions successfully.

This past week for me held some day to day pivots in scheduling as we were hit with some more snow here in the Northeast. And this reminded me that unexpected turns are just...inevitable. Embracing flexibility and keeping an open mind are so needed to navigate both positive and negative changes.

Stages of Transition

Navigating a transition effectively requires a multi-faceted approach. Here are some key stages to consider:


Reflecting on your values and passions is like spring cleaning your mind and soul. With the spring coming upon us (hopefully in 6 weeks!), this time feels like its best spent clearing away the clutter and making space for new ideas and possibilities. As I always, I have a scent in mind for that! Our Lemon Blossom Jasmine Candle (being released soon!) does such a great job of resetting the space. There's nothing like cleaning and then lighting a refreshing candle to feel like everything is just ✨ new ✨ It's a great time to ask yourself these questions: What truly matters to you? What are you good at? What brings you joy?

Goal Setting

And then there's just setting REALISTIC and achievable goals. I put 'realistic' in all caps, because so many times we set unrealistic expectations for ourselves and for others. And all this does is breed disappointment. Instead, try to avoid unrealistic expectations that can lead to disappointment. Break down those larger goals into smaller, manageable steps.

Networking and Seeking Guidance

Build a strong network of supportive individuals. Whether that's family, friends, neighbors, people that you meet at your child's school function. Start to be open to random conversations with random people and watch how your network will grow. Professionally you can attend industry events, connect with mentors, and seek guidance from school or alumni career counselors. Recognize that asking for help is a sign of strength, and not weakness.

Embracing Uncertainty

Just as we embrace the uncertainty of this current winter weather, we must also embrace the unknown during times of transition. I know that during periods of uncertainty is when we can find the most growth and self-discovery in ourselves and in others.

And Then Sometimes You Just Need a Fresh Start

Just as I mentioned the perfect candle to use to reset your space, sometimes we need to just be open to hitting the 'do-over' button. It's ok to need a re-do and to reset everything. Whether that's in your home or in a close relationship.

Well, I hope this blog post inspires you to embrace change, embrace your inner resilience, and create a life that truly reflects your values and aspirations.

Remember, pivoting is not about giving up; it's about finding a new direction that aligns with your evolving self. Embrace the journey, trust in your ability to adapt, and discover the incredible opportunities that await you on the other side.

I hope this blog post resonates with you. If you've experienced a significant transition in your life, I'd love to hear about it in the comments below.

Until next time, 

xx Simone

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