Candles and Coziness: 7 Fall Activities to Enjoy with Your Favorite Scented Candle

I've been talking with so many people about the nostalgia of fall. It feels like so many activities are coming up to enjoy and share with family and friends! So excited for the changing weather and just the feeling of a fresh start. As a previous educator, something about the fall just feels RIGHT! And as a mom of two young children, something about September just feels new. New school supplies, new clothes, and just new expectations.

Fall is one of the most beloved seasons of the year, and it's easy to see why. With its crisp, cool air and vibrant colors, fall is the perfect time to get outside and enjoy all that nature has to offer. But even if you prefer to stay indoors, there are plenty of fall activities that you can enjoy while burning a candle. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the best fall activities to do while burning a candle, so grab your favorite scent and let's get started!


  1. Pumpkin Carving

One of the most iconic fall activities is pumpkin carving. Whether you're carving a traditional jack-o'-lantern or getting creative with your design, pumpkin carving is a great way to get into the fall spirit. And what better way to set the mood than by burning a pumpkin-scented candle while you work? Not only will the candle help you relax and stay focused, but it will also make your home smell amazing.

  1. Baking

Fall is the perfect time to break out your baking skills and whip up some delicious treats. Whether you're making apple pie, pumpkin bread, or cinnamon rolls, the warm, cozy scents of fall are sure to fill your home. And what better way to enhance those scents than by burning a vanilla or apple-scented candle while you bake? The aroma of the candle will complement the delicious smells of your baked goods and make your home feel even more inviting.

  1. Reading

As the weather starts to cool down, there's nothing quite like curling up with a good book. Whether you prefer a classic novel or a spooky thriller, reading is a great way to relax and unwind. And what better way to set the mood than by burning a candle with a warm, comforting scent like amber or sandalwood? The flickering light of the candle will create a cozy atmosphere, perfect for getting lost in your favorite book.

  1. Crafting

If you're a fan of DIY projects, fall is the perfect time to get creative. From making your own Halloween decorations to knitting cozy scarves, there are plenty of fall-themed crafts to try. And what better way to enhance the fall atmosphere than by burning a candle with a scent like apple rind or pumpkin? The candle's warm, inviting aroma will make your crafting session even more enjoyable.

  1. Movie Nights

As the days get shorter and the nights get longer, there's nothing quite like settling in for a movie night. Whether you're watching a classic horror movie or a family-friendly flick, movie nights are a great way to spend time with loved ones. And what better way to make your home feel even more cozy than by burning a candle with a scent like vanilla or caramel? The candle's warm, inviting aroma will create a relaxing atmosphere, perfect for enjoying your favorite films.

  1. Outdoor Activities

While fall is certainly known for its cozy indoor activities, there are also plenty of outdoor activities to enjoy. From apple picking to hiking, there are plenty of ways to get outside and enjoy the beautiful fall weather. And what better way to enhance the experience than by bringing a candle with you? Whether you opt for a portable candle or a candle in a lantern, the scent of the candle will add an extra layer of ambiance to your outdoor adventure.

  1. Game Nights

Fall is the perfect time to gather friends and family for a game night. Whether you prefer classic board games or modern video games, game nights are a great way to spend time with loved ones and have some fun. And what better way to set the mood than by burning a candle with a warm, inviting scent like cinnamon or gingerbread? The candle's aroma will create a cozy atmosphere, perfect for enjoying your favorite games.


Hopefully you'll be able to enjoy some fun this fall and I hope that it brings new beginnings for you  as well!


Until next time, 

xx Simone

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